Employment Discrimination Lawyer Serving Florida and Georgia
When you are faced with discrimination at work, turn to The Leach Firm, PA for the support you need. Our employment discrimination lawyer can fight for your rights if you are dealing with bias based on race, sex, religion, national origin, or other legally protected characteristics. With our extensive experience, we know how to use employment laws to pursue all available options for recovery after illegal discrimination.
Some of the ways that employers may commit unlawful discrimination include:
- Hiring & Firing
- Classification of Employees
- Promotion
- Recruitment
- Training
- Retirement Plans
- Payment of Wages
- Job Duty Transfer
- Layoff
- Testing
- Benefits
- Disability Leave
- Many Other Terms & Conditions of Employment
If you feel that your current employer has biased and discriminatory practices, trust our firm to provide you with the legal guidance you need. Contact us to learn more about the services and support we have to offer or to discuss your current situation with our discrimination lawyer.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Employment Discrimination
1. Can I sue for workplace discrimination?
Yes, workplace discrimination is an issue that can be addressed in court, although you may need to file a claim through administrative channels first. You should consider taking legal action for workplace discrimination if you were treated in a way that exemplified unlawful bias on the part of your employer, whether in compensation, opportunities, behavior, or other areas. It is important that you work with a lawyer who has experience in employment discrimination in order to bring as strong a case as possible.
2. What are the grounds for discrimination at work?
Discrimination comes in many forms; most often, it appears as favorable or unfavorable treatment directed at a specific individual or group that is directly attributable to bias, such as providing denying certain opportunities to women or rejecting raises for someone of a specific nationality. Race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, relationship status, age, and disability are some of the many protected areas that should not influence an employer’s treatment of their employees.
3. When should you seek an employment lawyer?
If you believe that you have a case of employment discrimination, it is never too soon to seek legal representation. An employment lawyer can not only assist you with gathering and compiling critical evidence but can also ensure that your case is as robust as possible and present a cohesive argument that could result in your employer simply choosing to settle. This settlement can provide compensation for you and prevent the need to go to court. Any behavior against you that arises from a bias for or against any of the protected categories in the workplace should be discussed with an employment lawyer.
4. How do you prove discrimination at work?
Proving discrimination can be done in a variety of ways. If you have written documentation, such as emails, memos, or notes that depict the biased behavior in action, these are critical pieces of evidence. Witness testimony can also play an important role, as can company-wide policy and compensation practices. If you can prove, for example, that only workers of a certain race are consistently denied time off, you have a strong case. An employment lawyer can help you to gather the evidence that is relevant and available in your situation.
5. How long does it take to settle an employment discrimination lawsuit?
The time required to settle a lawsuit for employment discrimination varies depending upon the factors of the case and the evidence available. Cases in which an employer incriminates themselves directly, such as via email, may be resolved sooner than cases involving more nuanced discrimination. However, in general, most employment discrimination lawsuits take between one to two years. To get a better understanding of the timeline that you can expect, speak with an employment lawyer.
File a Claim with Confidence
Employers are responsible for efficiently handling claims of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Every employee has fundamental human and civil rights and violations of these rights require action right away. However, if your employer fails to address the issue sufficiently, the next course of action is to file a claim for relief. With the support of our team, we will help you with the necessary legal proceedings, strenuously representing your rights and interests throughout the process.If you are interested in learning more about our law firm, or you would like to speak to our wrongful termination attorney, contact us today at (844) 722-7567 to schedule a free consultation. We proudly provide legal services to clients in Florida and Georgia.